Impact Centre

Impact Centre is the fourth institution of Mutholath Nagar contributed by Fr. Abraham Mutholath. The occasion for this contribution was his Ruby Jubilee (40th anniversary) of the priestly ordination.

Though there is accommodation facility in the Good Samaritan Centre, that is not enough. There is demand for rooms for camps and request from those who reserve Mutholath auditorium for residential rooms for few days while they make wedding arrangements. The Keralites living abroad who come for few weeks were also suggesting having well-furnished air-conditioned rooms for their temporary living with food and transportation facilities. Considering all these factors, Fr. Abraham Mutholath offered to contribute for the construction of Impact Centre.

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His Grace Mar Mathew Moolakkatt laid foundation stone for the building on October 27, 2019. In spite of the COVID-19 issues, the construction progressed under the guidance of Vicar General Fr. Michael Vettikkatt, Diocesan Director Fr. Alex Akkapparambil, KSSS director Fr. Sunil Perumanoor and under the supervision of Fr. James Vadakkekandamkariyil.

Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakkatt blessed and inaugurated the Impact Centre on December 13, 2020. Mr. Thomas Chazhikadan MP presided over the meeting and Mr. Mons Joseph MLA, Vicar General Fr. Michael Vettikkatt, Forane Vicar Fr. Joy Kattiyangal, and Sr. Saly SVM spoke on the occasion.

Fr. Abraham Mutholath, the visionary.

  • 2014, September 10: Mar Mathew Moolakkatt, the Archbishop of Kottayam gave permission to construct Mutholath Auditorium.
  • 2014 September: Mar Mathew Moolakkatt laid the foundation stone for the auditorium.
  • 2014 September 26: Mar Mathew Moolakkatt and Fr. Abraham Mutholath made further plans for the auditorium project.
  • 2017 February 14: Blessing and inauguration of the auditorium by Major Archbishop Cardinal Mar George Cardinal Alencherry. His Grace Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakkatt presided over the public meeting. Mar George Palliparambil, Bishop of Miao and Mons Joseph MLA spoke on the occasion.

Outcome of the Centre

The local people wholeheartedly welcomed the institution. They are happy that the differently abled children and youth are taken care of in their midst while keeping up their relationship with their families and community. Considering the humanitarian aspect of the project, the architect of the building made his service a voluntary contribution. In the parents meeting of the students, some parents expressed their gratitude with emotion in offering such a service. Some of them shared how their burdens are lessened with the establishment of the institution, how the lifestyle of their children has changed, and how they are able to raise income for their families. The parents expressed their willingness to do voluntary service for the institution whenever they can do so.
  • Archbishop Mar Mathew Moolakkatt laid foundation stone for the Impact Centre at Cherpunkal Mutholath Nagar.

  • Blessing and inauguration of Impact Centre, Cherpunkal by Mar Mathew Moolakkatt. Mr. Thomas Chazhikadan MP presided over the meeting and Mr. Mons Joseph MLA spoke on the occasion.


IMPACT CENTRE at Mutholath Nagar Inauguration on December 13, 2020.
Foundation stone laid for IMPACT CENTRE at Cherpunkal on Octo. 27, 2019 by Mar Moolakkatt.
Chapel blessing at Impact Centre Cherpunkal on July 27, 2023 at Mutholath Nagar.
CBR Silver Jubilee Meeting and Impact Centre blessing on July 27, 2023 at Mutholath Nagar Cherpunkal

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